Jenny Rosa Li Alvauajetrying to be a mirror // claiming brownness in montanaI’ve been trying to write this essay for my entire life.Sep 6, 2021Sep 6, 2021
Jenny Rosa Li AlvauajeThe Wilderness-Minority SpectrumClimbing can feel like a betrayal to my Hispanic rootsMay 8, 2020May 8, 2020
Jenny Rosa Li AlvauajeOn Being White PassingI use my full name, Jenny Li Alvauaje Howard, for a lot of things because I think it holds what my appearance cannot: a sense of coming…May 1, 2020May 1, 2020
Jenny Rosa Li AlvauajeCOVID, Bird Scooters, Layoffs, and RelationshipsOn Friday morning at about 9:30am Pacific Time, myself, along with roughly 400 other people I worked with at Bird had a meeting placed on…Mar 28, 20202Mar 28, 20202
Jenny Rosa Li Alvauajenoticing the seasonsI was recently hit by a car while cycling. I wasn’t seriously injured by any extent — just a scrape along my left calf and otherwise a bit…Mar 8, 2020Mar 8, 2020